Wednesday, February 19, 2014

4th Grade Math Test Bundle with Data Tracking

Are you looking for a great way to assess your 4th grade math students and have the ability to use data to drive instruction and show student growth with each of your units?

I created this incredibly helpful resources that 7 unit math tests for 4th grade to help teachers assess their students on the Georgia Standards of Excellence and the Common Core State Standards.  The math tests that I made for my 5th grade team a few years ago have been very helpful in assessing my students and their academic growth through each of our math units, so I wanted to spread this on to another grade level.
In Georgia, we are given an outline of 7 units that are strategically grouped in a scope and sequence to cover each of the CCSS.  All the standards are grouped into units so that the skills build on each other throughout the year.  For each unit, we give our students a pre-test to see what skills they have already mastered and which ones have not yet been mastered up to this point.  From there, we are able to group students throughout the unit and plan differentiation within our classes.  At the end of the unit, we re-adminster the same test we gave before the unit to see how much our students have grown throughout the unit.  This has also been a beneficial indicator of what we need to focus on re-teaching to small groups.
As you know, education has become more data-driven in recent years, so my team uses Excel data sheets to record and chart student growth from the beginning of each unit to the end.  Each of my tests contain a set of Excel spreadsheets for every class size from 22-30 kids along with a tutorial of how to use the Excel files to input student data.
Here's an overview of what the tutorial pages look like.
Each Common Core standard is in the column above (in yellow) and you copy your class list in the first column.  You take each student's pre-test and mark an "x" in the column for that question number of the test if they had the answer to that question wrong.  Once you input all of the items, each row will generate the student's score.  At the end of the unit, you will input their post-test results into the post-test worksheet within the file.  The data from both the pre-test and post-test will appear in the "Summary" worksheet within the file, where you can then compare the pre and post-test data.  You will also find class averages for both.  This is a great way to show student growth for yourself as well as for administration.  **A full explanation with visuals, as well as tutorial video, is included in each file**

Using these unit tests and Excel data sheets has really helped me to assess and monitor my students' mastery of the Common Core State Standards and I hope that it can be helpful for your and your class as well.

**Each math test unit includes the corresponding Excel data sheets, and the units can also be purchased as a bundle HERE.

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